Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Decision made.....

After several rounds of consideration, I have finally decided to take up the offer from the new company and move on. I have to let go some of my current privilege such as working from home, flexible working schedule and hours but I think it's worth the sacrifice.

I have been very down and demotivated with my current job (soon to be my previous...^_^). I always thought that it was due to my limited experience and exposure that is dragging me down. But, if I were to sit down and evaluate the number of achievements and accomplishments that I have made in the past 3 months, it's not that bad after all. From someone timid who is not comfortable to stand up and present in a group of 4 and more, I think I made a huge progress. I never knew I was able to do more than I expected.

In the past 3 months, I did the following:

  1. Manage to keep the plane flying above the ground for a regional program that I have no clue what it's all about until July this year
  2. Manage and drive a group of country team to achieved a regional objective (although it's not that much of an improvement but I manage to stabilize and keep the new team member up to speed)
  3. Give training and promote my program to a group of sales agent to get their support
  4. Do results sharing and program overview with all the regional and country leadership including my VP
  5. Gain respect and support from my external counter-part from Europe and America
  6. From a nobody to somebody in my domain (people start coming to me for information, joint effort, collaboration of program and etc)
I think I achieved quite a fair bit in 4 months period. I know it's not a huge milestone from the management point of view but from a personal perspective, I think I deserve a tap on my own shoulder. Part of me feel that I should continue fighting this battle and gain more exposure and experience but I think this is not a suitable platform for me. No doubt I'm starting to like my job, the challenges and the creative side of it but unfortunately I'm in a team who does not see the value in this program. I know for a fact that no matter how much contribution I made, it will all slip thru the eyes of the management.

On 14-Nov-2012, finally I click on the "Send" button and submit my official resignation letter to my manager. She just replied my mail and scheduled a meeting with me on Monday to discuss about this. Partly I feel like replying back to her - "It's OK, I have made up my mind so let's skip to the last part where we get HR to process my resignation".

Oh well, if you ask me, am I excited about my new job? I would say, yeah I am but at the same time I'm having mixed feeling about leaving my current job. Not because of the job or the current management team that I am working for, but my fellow colleagues who have smiled and cried with me during difficult times in the past 5 years. They are the reason why i was hesitated in the first place. Well, like they say, every beginning will start from an ending. Guess it is time that I move out from my comfort zone and explore a new horizon.


  1. Start believing in yourself as the confidence from within will show upon other people who work with you. Do not be afraid of things you don't know in the new environment, we all learn from the very first day we're born.

    When we're a baby, we learn to stand up and walk but fall hard on our butt to the ground, but did that stop us from trying to walk again? No! We cried, and then stood back up and walk again.

    So, never give up until you have tried all you can. Instead of asking yourself "Can I do it?", say to yourself, "I CAN DO IT!"

  2. Thanks Calvin for the encouragement.....
    Memang bertenaga ya.... With caps somemore... Lol
