Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I'm officially a Landlord....


I did exactly what is shown in the photo, passing my house key to a stranger call 'my tenant' on 19-Aug. And yes.....My condo is officially rented out and that made me the landlord. 

Maybe a little bit about my tenant. He's 2 years my senior, Chinese, Perodua car dealer and he will be staying with his GF. He seems like a nice fellar, typical salesman kind of personality, firm hand-shake and eager to talk in order to spice up the environment. 

Deep down, I do hope that he will turn up to be a good tenant and I can continue to rent out to him to ease down a bit on my finances. Guess only time will tell.....


  1. Woohoo! Congrats on being able to rent out your condo.

  2. @Calvin Junichiro

    Well, at least it helps to ease down a bit of the finances
